About us

About us

We will satisfy you by our work ideas

Informations sur l’entreprise Dt4 Group

Raison sociale : DT4 GROUP
Numéro Siren : 910614510
Numéro TVA intracommunautaire : FR47910614510 (en savoir plus)
Code NAF / APE : 4711B (commerce d’alimentation générale)
Forme juridique : Société à responsabilité limitée (sans autre indication)
Date d’immatriculation : 21/02/2022
Commune d’implantation : Blotzheim (Haut-Rhin)

Herve Florian Dzukou TCHAPNDA

(Chairman and founder)
Company history

DT4 Group is a professional company

As a full-service group, our work covers everything from market research to branding and identity, wholesale and retail of exotic products, vending machines, various forms of consulting …


2nd Feb, 2020

Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management

21st Jul, 2022

Creation of a new branch of the company (DT4 group vending machines)

12th Jan, 2020

Establishment of DT4 Group

20th Feb, 2022

Registered as an exotic shop company

22nd Sep, 2022

History to Unite and Inspire People